COMMON is the world’s largest association of IT professionals that focus on IBM and related technologies. Since 1960, we have been serving our community of users, partners, and IBM through leadership, independent education, certification, networking and our advocacy efforts.
COMMON is focused on enhancing the careers of its members.
COMMON is a global association of business computing professionals who:
This Code of Ethics for COMMON has been adopted to promote and maintain fair dealing and reasonable conduct at all COMMON events. Adherence to the Code is required for membership in COMMON or participation in any COMMON events and any violation of the Code may be punishable in accordance with COMMON’s disciplinary policies and procedures. From time to time, the COMMON Board of Directors shall review this Code of Ethics to ensure that it is consistent with commonly recognized and accepted principles of fair conduct.
In recognition of the special relationship between COMMON and IBM and the membership’s need for information about IBM products and services, the Board of Directors may determine from time to time that displays and promotional sessions regarding such products and services are not a violation of COMMON’s rules and regulations.
The Judicial Affairs Council may interpret COMMON’s Code of Ethics: however, the COMMON Board has final interpretation. The Board of Directors or their designee may make any exceptions to the Code of Ethics.
Statement of Principles
332 S. Michigan Ave.
Unit LL – C12
Chicago, IL 60604